With a small organisation like ours, even a little goes a long way - whether you want to donate direct or join the marathon hype to raise money we’ll ensure your money is used to directly benefit the Ocean.

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See what your donation will do

  • Science Communication may seem like a small part, but without it, nobody would know the importance of the Ocean and how we can all protect it simply by being informed. Donate £5 and get the heads up when our new episodes of Out of Our Bubble are being released!

  • You’d be surprised how far £10 can go when it comes to research - plenty can be done with PVC pole and a camera! Donate £10 today and receive quarterly updates on what’s going on behind the scenes of Kai's fishery research.

  • Get your name on the credits as a Spurdog Supporter of our latest film. Your donation would help us screen our film at even more locations around the UK.

    Help us get to the finish line here!

  • To quote Tesco: Every little helps at One Kai. Whether £5 is too much or £50 is too little, click the button below to donate a custom amount. Your donations help us to stay afloat, without you, we wouldn’t be able to continue so THANK YOU!